Young farmers have been praised for raising a substantial sum for a local hospice.  

The £7,500 financial boost from West Renfrewshire Young Farmers will ensure St Vincent’s Hospice continues to provide specialist care to patients and families when they need it the most.

The donation also plays a crucial role as the hospice requires more than £6,000 daily for care services.

The group recently celebrated their 80th anniversary with a variety of fundraising events, from talent shows, auctions livestock judging, concert dances, gunge tanks and tractor pulls.

The Gazette: The financial boost from West Renfrewshire Young Farmers will support St Vincent’s Hospice's

Emma Donald, the hospice's community, corporate and events manager, said: "We are so grateful for this amazing support, the young farmers are such a fantastic group to have support the hospice.

"The West Renfrewshire Young Farmers are an amazing group of young people who help other young people learn new skills, make friends and make a difference in their local community.”

Linsey Campbell, vice-chairman of the West Renfrewshire Young Farmers, added: "We decided to raise funds for St Vincent’s Hospice as it is a local charity that is right in the heart of our community.

"We can’t thank everyone enough for helping to make the field day possible, to everyone who donated auction prizes, to the Miller family for providing us the venue and to J & S Montgomery for providing us with a tractor for our tractor pull and to everyone who came along to support our 80th year.”