Talented camera club members from across the West of Scotland have been sharing their amazing photos.

We are inviting photography enthusiasts to submit work to be featured in The Renfrewshire Gazette, Barrhead News, Clydebank Post and Dumbarton Reporter.

This week, we are featuring the following images, which include stunning wildlife:

The Gazette: Grey Heron on the River Gryffe, by Allan Kelly (Gazette Camera Club)

The Gazette: River, by Mik Coia (Gazette Camera Club)

The Gazette: Luna enjoying the snow, by Stephen Kelly (Barrhead Camera Club)

The Gazette: Robin, by Barry Anderson (Barrhead Camera Club)

The Gazette: Stag in the snow, by Shirley Furie (Clydebank Camera Club)

The Gazette: Snowman outside Clydebank fire station, by Cheryl B (Clydebank Camera Club)

The Gazette: Duck, by James Duncan (Dumbarton Camera Club)

The Gazette: Holly, by John Gillies (Dumbarton Camera Club)

To join the Renfrewshire Gazette's camera club, click here.

To join the Barrhead News' camera club, click here.

To join the Clydebank Post's camera club, click here.

To join the Dumbarton Reporter's camera club, click here.