A VILLAGE congregation in Renfrewshire were blessed with dry weather on Sunday when they held an outdoor baptism.

Worshippers gathered at the car park of Bishopton Parish Church for the christening of Fyfe Alexander Williamson.

The service was carried out using a baptismal font which has used by generations of families in the village for more than 200 years.

Fyfe’s older brother Innes, as well as his dad Ross and two uncles, were also christened at the same font when they were babies.

Yvonne Smith, minister of Bishopton Parish Church, told The Gazette: “Our outdoor baptism went very well and we have a good attendance from the congregation and family and friends of Ross and Gillian.

“We had singing at the service and were accompanied by our praise band as we have no electricity in the car park to have the electronic keyboard. It was great to see families and friends enjoy the service and fellowship afterwards when those that wished could enjoy a tea or coffee.”

A final summer service is planned for August 29, with the church also hoping to have a joint service of reflection and thanksgiving with the congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes on September 5.